Existing Building Repairs & Replacements

The Need

In addition to capacity challenges, many of our buildings require significant repairs that are beyond our annual budget. 


The proposed projects touch schools across the district, extending the buildings’ lives, reducing energy costs, and upgrading security and safety items. These are items identified by our Maintenance & Operations team as high priority.

Districtwide Safety and Security ($7.1M) 

Windsor Middle School ($5.3M)

Priority 1 Repairs ($4.8M)

Priority 2 Repairs ($1.3M)

Board Approves Additional Repair Projects

The Board of Education approved the Bond Oversight Committee's recommendation to add the following repair and replacement projects within the scope of the 2022 Bond program. The addition of these projects were made possible through project management cost savings to date, as well as bond premium funds.


Est. Costs


Est. Timeline
