History & Process


To ensure that we're meeting the facility needs critical to our students' learning environments, as well as ensure that we are responsive and proactive to the growth of our community, our Board of Education collaborates hand-in-hand with members of our community.

This is done through a variety of ways, including the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee, the Bond Steering Committee, Design Advisory Committee, regular demographer reports, community meetings, and community surveys. The Board uses the recommendations, data, and information provided by these groups to make thoughtful decisions that will impact our community for generations.


We thoughtfully plan decades in advance to ensure that our students' learning needs are met.

This committee provides recommendations to the Board of Education on growth trends within the district and the need for new or remodeled facilities.

At its March 21, 2022, presentation to the Board of Education, the Long Range Facility Planning Committee identified that:

  • Previous recommendations — two new elementary schools, move and expand WMS, expand SMS, and expand SHS to include Career & Technical Education offerings — are still valid, but may not be feasible.

  • The district is experiencing core capacity issues that impact students.

  • Potential charter school interest may help alleviate capacity concerns.

  • There is need to reinvest in existing campuses to extend building life.

  • Creative scheduling options need to be explored as a way to address capacity challenges.

  • The district should explore other revenue options with local municipalities.


The following principles were developed by the Bond Vision Committee to guide the Design Advisory Committee conversations.

1. Environment

2. Configuration

3. Flexibility

4. Outdoor Learning & Building Exterior


Community input has been and will continue to be a critical component in the design of our learning spaces.

The design for the projects outlined in the 2021 and 2022 bond requests began in 2019. A Bond Vision Committee was formed to provide input and recommendations on the potential new construction. The Bond Vision Committee then initiated a Design Advisory Committee (DAC) to support the detailed work on the future learning spaces.

The DAC worked to build on the educational purpose of the buildings constructed and renovated during the 2016 bond, as well as design the elementary and middle school learning spaces to be proposed as part of a future bond package. This group of individuals was comprised of community members, teachers, and administrators. During the spring of 2021, the DAC once again met to revisit the plans for the schools to ensure modern and functional learning spaces.


In April 2022, we formed the Bond Steering Committee. This core committee is representative of the community and includes parents, business owners, Board Members, and teachers.

The committee was provided updated information on growth and facility options to address demand. Then, members worked to develop four potential package options to bring before our community for input at a series of meetings.

Taking the community feedback into consideration, the Bond Steering Committee met in June to develop a final recommendation for the Board that included the following projects for a total package of $294M:

  • Two new elementary schools

  • A new 1,200-student middle school

  • An addition on Severance Middle School

  • An addition on Severance High School

  • A new Career and Technical Education Center at Severance High School

  • An expansion at Windsor Charter Academy

  • Repair and replacements at schools across the district


At the June 20 work session, the Board of Education received recommendations from the Bond Steering Committee, and listened to presentations on the bond survey results and taxpayer impact. The Board decided to meet again on June 24 to fully discuss all of the information.

After careful consideration and thoughtful discussion, the Board provided direction to continue moving forward with the 2022 bond measure in line with the recommendations from the Bond Steering Committee with two exceptions: a new 900-student middle school and a refined list of building repairs and replacements. This reduced the bond package from $294M as recommended by the Bond Steering Committee to $271M.

At its August 15 meeting, the Board of Education approved the placement of a $271M bond measure and $5M mill levy override on the November 8, 2022, general election ballot.



The funds from this 25-year bond measure will be used to address overcrowding and critical infrastructure needs across the district through the following projects:

  • A new elementary school in RainDance

  • A new elementary school in Peakview

  • A new 900-capacity middle school

  • An addition at Severance Middle

  • An addition at Severance High

  • A new Career & Technical Education Center at Severance High

  • An expansion at Windsor Charter Academy

  • Existing building repairs and replacements

Election Results

Yes / For - 54.9% (12,018)

No / Against - 45.1% (9,860)

*Official results via Weld County


Ballot measure 4C will provide an additional $5 million annually to the school district, with a proportional share going to Windsor Charter School based on funded student count. These funds will be utilized to recruit and retain high quality teachers and support staff. Additionally, the funds will support the startup costs associated with the new elementary and middle schools.

Election Results

Yes / For - 55.4% (12,120)

No / Against - 44.6% (9,766)

*Official results via Weld County